domingo, 20 de enero de 2013


Another way to influence the mind, in the mood, in one's own mental abilities, is through affirmations. Affirmations are a simple and effective way to change the "habits of mind" that hinder all those things you want to achieve in life.
It's hard to get good grades in school if you can not stop to say that is worth studying. It's hard to quit smoking if one is constantly affirmed that it has no will and that every time you feel anxious or have a problem need to smoke. We could make an endless list of statements that are negative and harmful.
As you can see influences everyone in one way or another in their psyche, the question is which way do.
While it does not equal making statements in the waking state that state of deep relaxation or self-hypnosis (since in this state more easily circumvents the conscious mind), it is also true that it takes time to have an especially for it since one can be made ​​any statements or work activity and the latter increased by a considerable number of times just to be highly effective.
For a claim to be effective must be primarily positive, short and very concrete, but this would be some general rules to follow for making claims, it is best to experience for yourself which are better and which are not.

Hypnosis and Abductions

Hypnosis has been proven very effective in recovering lost memories and / or repressed by that has been used most often in cases of abduction cases with very interesting results.
Cases of abduction have been repeated since the fifties especially in the United States, despite these experiences have been all over the world and could date back to many centuries in the past.
Those who say they were victims of an abduction claim that during the abduction have had a significant period of time you do not remember anything under hypnosis can remember what happened. Subjects often report that they have been abducted and uploaded to a spaceship where they practiced all sorts of experiments, some even say that they have been inserted into the body a kind of device.